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Dynamite: June 8, 2022

Writer's picture: Dean MosmanDean Mosman

Here we go y’all it’s Wednesday you know what that means.

The casino Battle royal started the show. Darby, Eddie, Nese, Archer, and Daniel Farcua started the match and I like that combo for some reason. Darby and Eddie 1 v 1 please. Ricky was next let’s gooooo! Keith Lee vs Lance Archer please. JOHNY HUNGIE FOR AEW CHAMPION!!!

Wasn’t Casters best rap but I love the A$$claimed. This was a fun match it’s kind of hard to mess up especially with as many unique characters and the roster AEW has. I’m happy Wheeler Yuta is back he did great in the G1 someday I think he might actually win the thing. ANDRADE is BACK, SWERVE ELIMINATED KEITH! So much happened in this match I loved it. NO WAY!! I wanted this but never expected it!

Winner: KYLE O “F’N” Reilly!!!!


Next was Buddy Mathews vs PAC (All Atlantic championship tournament match (Oh new title btw it’s called the All Atlantic Championship)

This match was absolutely great because duh. Pac is one of the best one the planet and it’s not even close. Buddy will be a star someday, he’s a great wrestler and has a good look. What a match it was fantastic and for sure the right man won. I’d love to see Pac go all the way in this tournament.

Winner: Pac


Next was an Eddie Kingston promo and like always he was great.


After commercial Trent Beretta cut a promo and called out FTR. Oh shit Wil Ospreay showed up and brought United Empire with him. They beat the crap out of the other guys and that’s how the segment ended.


Next backstage was a promo with Regal and Kyle O’Reilly. Regal shook his hand and Oreilly cut a great promo. Good Job Kyle, he’s getting better on the stick too.


Next up was David Finlay vs Hangman Page (he has lost the right of being called Wangman) he’s still over like River though, as he should be but having Cole on commentary made this match even better. Crowd was surprisingly quiet for it but both guys are good. Hangman cut a good promo after the bell. He challenged Okada to a match at Forbidden Door and since Danielson is injured this is fine. Adam Cole is great always.

Winner: Hangman Page


Next was an interview with Wardlow. He’s so beautiful like genuinely. I’m not gay but I want to hold him forever during every thunderstorm. I want him to breastfeed my son so he may inherit the muscle enzymes Michael Wardlow has self produced. That was weird…I’m so sorry. Wait what Wardlow didn’t want to compete for it? I love you Wardlow. He can actually cut a promo too That’s fantastic. He do Allen her Scorpio for the TNT title and Scorpio walked out and Lambert stopped him. Wardlow is the best man. I MARK STERLING! This segment was the best.


Young bucks and the Hardy’s and jungle friends had a promo after commercial. Christian talked for them and he talked down jungle boy a little, can we just have them drop the belts and get the jungle boy and Christin feud please?


Marina Shafir vs © Thunder Rosa was next and Shafir’s music is a fricken bop dude, how come y’all didn’t tell me about this? I like Rosas kill bill attire and it’s nice to see the title be defended. Seeing the womens world champ on TV shouldn’t be the bar though. This match was good Rosa won with the backwoods (roll up pin) Shafir got her heat back with a post match beat down. Toni Storm made the save setting up a match on Rampage or something.

Winner: ©Thunder Rosa


Baddie section promo was next and all of it was great except for red velvet talking. Stokely Hathaway is the greatest. I wish Jade wouldn’t force the “cut the shit” line, things work better when used appropriately and not more.


Next was the main event

Oreilly vs Moxley for a chance at the Interim world title. I love that this is happening. Moxley is my favorite brawling style wrestler and Lyle is just my favorite. Great match, suffered a little from the crowd at first but became so undeniably great they had to get loud. O’Reilly is the best sell in wrestling and it’s not close. Fantastic match.

Winner: Mox


This show was a great show that suffered a little because of the crowd this weeks show gets 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽

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