Flair confirmed last week on his podcast that he would be teaming with FTR against The Rock N’ Roll Express and a partner to be named. In an interview with WSI | Wrestling Shoot Interviews Former WWE star and Killer Bee, Brian Blair claims that partner is Hulk Hogan.
“I’m looking forward to seeing Flair and Hogan…Well, I think if Ric were gonna die anywhere, he’d wanna die in the ring. Terry’s had his fair share of surgeries, way too many and I’m getting ready to call Terry in a couple of minutes. I just wish them the very best. I know the fans are the ones that have been really egging it on that really want to see it. So it’s sparked them. All I can say it will be interesting and I just pray that they both come out in one piece.”
Blair would stop short of confirming then that Hogan was returning to face Flair. He then claimed he just read it on the internet. For the record this is the first time anyone is even mentioning Hogan vs Flair , we are unaware of any site that has reported this. Brian Blair lives in the Tampa area and is still very close with Hulk Hogan. During his podcast on AdFreeShows.com, Ric Flair refuted this
Flair: “Not that I know. I think you would have run that by me…He’s invited. I’ve talked to him personally to come to the roast and come watch the match. But yeah, he hasn’t confirmed for sure but I’m pretty sure he’ll be there.”