On the latest "Oh You Didn't Know" podcast, Road Dogg talked about the Montreal Screwjob.
Road Dogg was asked if he thought the WWE losing Bret Hart was the final nail in their war with WCW:
"For me, personally, and that's all you're gonna get from me ever is because that's all I got. It's my only reference point. I never saw what the big deal was with Bret Hart as a performer. I never understood it. He was a great worker, and I thought about saying good, but he was a great worker. He worked better than me, 10-fold. Worked circles around me. Don't ever think that I've told anybody I was a good wrestler, because I haven't, and if you've listened to my podcast, you know that's true. I don't think I was a good wrestler. I don't think Bret was a great wrestler. I think I was a better sports entertainer than Bret was and I think that's where the money is.” “So I always thought that he should have done business and done what was right. You know what I mean? But I never looked at him like if we lose this guy, we lose the war. I never thought that for one moment. Now I can understand people who are huge Bret Hart fans going, screw you Road Dog. You suck. Okay, screw me and I suck. Okay, like now what? We still get to my feelings, which is I never thought he was that great to begin with so it wasn't that great a loss when we lost him for me personally. That's professionally, really, not personally, because I didn't have any personal feelings about it one way or the other. I just didn't think we were sunk because he left. I thought we got a lot more to offer than that. I didn't think we were sunk. I thought now we can catch our breath and move forward.”